Soo... you know that MATNAS upcycles from local textile waste.. but what does that mean exactly?



We source various types of textile waste - from second hand garments to factory cut-offs to local brands surplus.

Our second hand sources usually come in three types:

*donated to our studio.

*sourced by just by happenstance - meaning discovering textile waste thrown to the street.

*second hand organizations we partner with.

We try to be very intentional with our sourcing  - taking higher quality textiles that tend to repeat such as denim\sweaters\suiting. 


We also source factory cut-offs from local factories, meaning we collect the wasted cut-outs from other brands production. Pieces that would usually be too small to re-cut from as they are. We take damaged fabric that might have small holes or fabrics with stains.



All collected materials are of course washed back in our studio, then organized by color, type of material, weight. and then disassembled.

The next step in our process is to recreate a cloth surface to cut our patterns from.

In the case of second hand - the denim for example - we cut out the pant legs and assemble them by stitching them together.

Each P3 (our denim style) usually contains up to 4 pairs of jeans.


In the case of the factory cut-offs, we assemble the bigger pieces into remade fabric rolls.

And as for the smaller pieces - we make our zigzag patch-worked pieces with those. 

Then the remade fabric roll would be cut at a cutting factory (and the cut-offs from that would return to us)

And the as for the patch-worked garments - we cut those ourselves and give the cut pieces to our factory to be sewn :)



The next stages are the most familiar - we either give the garments to be sewn at our local factory, or we sew it ourselves in the studio :)

At this stage we would also dye (naturally or synthetically) whichever pieces need to be dyed and then that's it!






our textiles come from two main sources: 1) local factories - we source factory off cuts, which we then either recreate a roll of fabric from, or patchwork surfaces from which we cut our garments. 2) second hand - either taken from discarded clothes found on the street, or sourced from second hand sorting facilities.
when we make, we try to first look at what is around us.

the materials we use to dye with, come from our urban surroundings - from old cabbages and onion skins from the local grocer, to used coffee grounds from the local coffee shop, and local flowers and leaves we come across.
we believe in creating clothes with longevity.

we want each of our garments to feel special and personalized to each of our customers. that is why we design our garments to be worn imaginatively - with the option of creating cut-outs, wearing garments inside-out, or turnning the garment around the body to reveal new silhouettes.
Portrait of Tamar Rosenzweig

A three object story is excited to talk to the inspiring and whimsical Tamar Rosenzweig

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